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BREAKING : Sad Update to Five-Year-Old Idaho Girl Raped by Muslim Migrants – TruthFeed

BREAKING : Sad Update to Five-Year-Old Idaho Girl Raped by Muslim Migrants – TruthFeed : BREAKING : Sad Update to Five-Year-Old Idaho Girl Raped by Muslim Migrants – TruthFeed - BREAKING : Sad Update to Five-Year-Old Idaho Girl Raped by Muslim Migrants BREAKING : Sad Update to Five-Year-Old Idaho Girl Raped by Muslim Migrants BREAKING NEWS   BY  TRUTHFEEDNEWS   MARCH 27, 2017 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Pinterest By  Pamela Geller  Read the latest horrors visited upon the five-year-old victim of a Muslim migrant rape gang in Idaho. Help contribute to the child’s legal, medical and housing costs  here. STATE OFFICIALS MISTREAT GIRL, 5, RAPED BY MUSLIM MIGRANTS EXCLUSIVE: PAMELA GELLER SAYS IDAHO FAMILY ‘HAS SUFFERED ALMOST EVERY KIND OF INJUSTICE’ WND, November 20, 2016: Last summer, a 5-year-old girl was orally, anally and vagi