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Immigration - The American Citizen’s Responses to Ill Informed Congresswoman

The American Citizen’s Responses to Ill- Informed Congresswoman

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) once again seized the headlines by upstaging the official Democratic response to President Donald Trump's prime-time address on immigration with her own response.
“It is wrong, and it is anti-American!' 1

Although House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y) gave the official Democratic response to the president, many liberals were praising Ocasio-Cortez's response on MSNBC as the "real" response.


Ocasio-Cortez registered her displeasure with how Trump was framing the immigration debate and instead demanded it is centered about how to dismantle ICE, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement office.

Citizen’s Response:   

She, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is in no position at all to demand any such concession from the American President. She deliberately disunderstands (no, not misunderstands) that the agency ICE is a law enforcement agency that works at the service of American immigration laws already in the books.


“No one should feel unsafe in the United States of America, and that includes our amazing and beautiful and productive immigrant community," she told Rachel Maddow.

Citizen’s Response:   

I agree with Ocasio-Cortez in that all people should feel at least physically safe in the United States of America. However, not all people should feel secure about being allowed to remain inside the United States. I agree that all US citizens, US residents, tourists, and legal aliens should feel secure about being allowed to remain inside the United States.

I believe that immigrants, all those who entered the national territory as legal aliens, should feel secure about being allowed to stay provided that they make the necessary efforts to do everything that US Immigration Law calls upon them to do in order to get far enough to transition from legal aliens to US residents and more later on.  As for illegal aliens, they shouldn’t even be inside the United States regardless of how they feel.


“And moreover, the one thing the president has not talked about is the fact that he has systematically engaged in the violation of international human rights on our border," she claimed. “He has separated children from their families. He talked about what happened the day after Christmas, on the day of Christmas, a child died in ICE custody.”

Citizen’s Response:   

And Obama didn’t? How convenient that she omitted that!

(Washington, DC) – Newly released United States government records summarizing investigations of the deaths of 18 migrants in the custody of US immigration authorities support a conclusion that subpar care contributed to at least seven of the deaths, Human Rights Watch said today. 2

"The death reviews, from mid-2012 to mid-2015, reveal substandard medical care and violations of applicable detention standards. Two independent medical experts consulted by Human Rights Watch concluded that these failures probably contributed to the deaths of 7 of the 18 detainees, while potentially putting many other detainees in danger as well. The records also show evidence of the misuse of isolation for people with mental disabilities, inadequate mental health evaluation and treatment, and broader medical care failures." 3

If Ocasio-Cortez wants to accuse President Trump of violating the international human rights of illegal aliens, I’ll oblige her.

The closest thing to an international human rights organization (together with the international treaty) - to what the congresswoman is talking about here is - the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families.

The United States is still not among any of the twenty countries that are a member to this. Moreover, it’s not binding. Next, the United States not being a member signing state is under no obligation to the dictates of this forum.

Moreover, what the text of this convention specifically stipulates about irregular migration actually supports the position of President Trump and conflicts with the theme pushed by the Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez. See for yourself:

“Bearing in mind that the human problems involved in migration are even more serious in the case of irregular migration and convinced therefore that appropriate action should be encouraged in order to prevent and eliminate clandestine movements and trafficking in migrant workers, while at the same time assuring the protection of their fundamental human rights,” 4

“Considering that workers who are non-documented or in an irregular situation are frequently employed under less favorable conditions of work than other workers and that certain employers find this an inducement to seek such labor in order to reap the benefits of unfair competition,” 5

“Considering also that recourse to the employment of migrant workers who are in an irregular situation will be discouraged if the fundamental human rights of all migrant workers are more widely recognized and, moreover, that granting certain additional rights to migrant workers and members of their families in a regular situation will encourage all migrants and employers to respect and comply with the laws and procedures established by the States concerned,” 6

Note the third block of text contained by this document. It calls upon all parties to comply with the laws and procedures established by the States concerned.

So here you have a UN agency established specifically to look out for the international human rights of migrants which calls upon migrants and employers both to respect and comply with the laws of the states [or countries] concerned.

Thus, it is evident that this is not a one-sided deal in favor of migrants at the expense of host states. What is conspicuously absent is that she; the congresswoman said nothing about this stipulation. What an intellectually deceitful and dishonest woman she is!

Moreover, beyond requiring that migrants and employers, both parties, abide by the laws of the states concerned, the document regards as unlawful and dangerous that false information be given to potential migrants to encourage entering other nations illegally.

Thus, international human rights is a two-way deal in which all parties concerned must abide by the rule of law.


“The president should not be asking for more money to an agency that has systematically violated human rights," she continued, "the president should be really defending why we are funding such an agency at all.”

Citizen’s Response:  

“No migrant worker or member of his or her family shall be held guilty of any criminal offense on account of any act or omission that did not constitute a criminal offense under national or international law at the time when the criminal offense was committed, nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time when it was committed. If subsequent to the commission of the offense, provision is made by law for the imposition of a lighter penalty, he or she shall benefit thereby.” 7

If they, the irregular migrants, the illegal aliens, acted out criminal offenses by entering the national territory of the United States by illegal means, without going through the procedures called for by US Immigration Law, guess what?

They’re guilty of violating our national laws. Duh!

“If you know that you came to the U.S. without permission, it’s safe to say that your stay was unlawful.” 8


“Because right now what we are seeing is death," she added. "Right now what we are seeing is the violation of human rights.
"It is systematic, it is wrong, and it is anti-American!" she exclaimed.
“ Those women and children trying to come here with nothing but the shirts on their back to create an opportunity and provide for this nation are acting more in an American tradition than this president is right now," she said.

Citizen’s Response:          

Let them enter the United States legally then!

If it’s anti-American for President Trump to use his executive powers to enforce the law and protect the American people, why even bother having the US Constitution?


1 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Upstages Dem Leaders and Gives Her Own Fiery Response to Trump Speech". 2019. The blaze. Accessed January 9, 2019 /alexandria-ocasio-cortez-upstages-dem-leaders-and-gives-her-own-fiery-response-to- trumpspeech?utm_source=Sailthru&utm _campaign=Daily-Newsletter__AM-Final%202019-01-09&utm_term =TheBlaze%20Daily%20AM%20-%20last%20270%20days.

2 "US: Deaths In Immigration Detention". 2016. Human Rights Watch. Accessed January 9 2019.

3 Ibid

4 "OHCHR | International Convention On The Protection Of The Rights Of All Migrant Workers ". 2019. Ohchr.Org. Accessed January 9, 2019.

5 Ibid

6 Ibid

7 Ibid

8 Bray, Ilona. 2019. "Consequences Of Unlawful Presence In The U.S.&Mdash;Three&Ndash; And Ten-Year Time Bars". Www.Nolo.Com. Accessed January 9, 2019.


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