Ethics: Exposing the Major Differences between Real Racist versus AOC-Style Denunciations of “Racist” and “White Supremacist”
My name is Roberto E. Fiad and I’m writing this article because I find myself thoroughly fed up with AOC’s bovine scatology, specifically in her dishonest use of terms such as “racism,” and “white supremacist.”
So, guided in that spirit of hating dishonesty, I here now do a more thorough analysis of real racism and real white supremacist and juxtapose and analyze these concepts against what AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) does to shame her political opponents into silence.
Hopefully, with ammunition such as this, her use of name-calling propaganda tactics will be exposed to the light and she’ll have to abandon such dishonesty such as name-calling propaganda techniques.
Let’s look at some evidence of real racism and real white supremacism and what is stands for and how it truly expresses itself.
I recall the movie Mississippi Burning which I saw in 1989 on my VCR. If you too saw that movie, especially the beginning of it, you’d agree that the misconduct displayed by the villains in that movie was characteristic of real racism.
Moreover, the real sheriff of the real town where the 1964 racist-inspired murders of Chaney, Goodman and Schwerner and the murder investigation that followed by the FBI – had sought to sue Orion Productions which created the movie but eventually dropped the lawsuit when Orion’s team of lawyers threatened to show evidence that the movie was fact-based and that indeed the sheriff had been suspected.
If you did a Wikipedia search for the title of the film, you get a detailed article on this film, on the history of the events it is based on, and a variety of aspects around that movie.
As far as white supremacism is concerned, there was a billboard set up in the town of Harrison, in the state of Arkansas, according to an article published by: promoting a white supremacist radio station.
There is a photograph in the washed-out color of a young and pretty Caucasian girl holding a pet dog.

"Name Calling". 2019. En.Wikipedia.Org. Accessed September 15, 2019.

According to Ayn Rand, being a racist is a type of collectivism, hence a socialist being a collectivist is closer to being a racist than a conservative individualist.
Jim Crow laws were collectivist in nature; they spared no African Americans from their whip. No African American was exempted from them.
Let’s now look at the expletive “N-word” and the history behind it. Even more than that, let’s look at some history that AOC doesn’t want you to know about socialist racism.

Today of course, and rightly so, addressing someone of the African-American ethnicity as a “Nigger” is a curse. It is a racist term. I, being a Hispanic, born in Cuba, was called a spic by anti-Hispanic racists and that drove me to get into violent fights with them. You, as the reader, must understand that if I hated being called a spic by a racist to the point of resorting to physical violence in reaction, that I’d never address an African American with the N-word. I cannot want for another what I hate for myself.
So Marx was a racist. So was Engels.
Why is diversity now in these times, though, being defended by those who refer to themselves as progressives, or democratic socialists?
What’s up with this switch?

AOC, you’ve been outed as a liar and a hypocrite. Shame on you, bad person, bad American.
By Roberto E. Fiad
2019. Buzzfeednews.Com. Accessed September 15, 2019.
"Name-Calling". 2019. En.Wikipedia.Org. Accessed
September 15, 2019.
"The Statement Of Racism - The Answer Against Authoritarian Collectivists". 2019. 1Stamender.Com. Accessed September 15, 2019.
"The Great Deceit: Social Pseudo-Sciences: Socialist Wolves In Sheep's Clothing (1964) : Veritas Foundation / Dobbs /Roosevelt: Free Download, Borrow, And Streaming: Internet Archive". Internet Archive. Accessed September 15, 2019. sciencesSocialistWolvesInSheepsClothing.
So, guided in that spirit of hating dishonesty, I here now do a more thorough analysis of real racism and real white supremacist and juxtapose and analyze these concepts against what AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) does to shame her political opponents into silence.
Hopefully, with ammunition such as this, her use of name-calling propaganda tactics will be exposed to the light and she’ll have to abandon such dishonesty such as name-calling propaganda techniques.
Let’s look at some evidence of real racism and real white supremacism and what is stands for and how it truly expresses itself.
I recall the movie Mississippi Burning which I saw in 1989 on my VCR. If you too saw that movie, especially the beginning of it, you’d agree that the misconduct displayed by the villains in that movie was characteristic of real racism.
Moreover, the real sheriff of the real town where the 1964 racist-inspired murders of Chaney, Goodman and Schwerner and the murder investigation that followed by the FBI – had sought to sue Orion Productions which created the movie but eventually dropped the lawsuit when Orion’s team of lawyers threatened to show evidence that the movie was fact-based and that indeed the sheriff had been suspected.
If you did a Wikipedia search for the title of the film, you get a detailed article on this film, on the history of the events it is based on, and a variety of aspects around that movie.
As far as white supremacism is concerned, there was a billboard set up in the town of Harrison, in the state of Arkansas, according to an article published by: promoting a white supremacist radio station.
There is a photograph in the washed-out color of a young and pretty Caucasian girl holding a pet dog.

2019. Buzzfeednews.Com. Accessed September 15, 2019.
And of course, there’s a statement to the right of the photograph which is white supremacist although the claim is that loving people of your own ethnicity is not a racist act.
However, when you have the website below that attributing the billboard to white pride, then you’re looking at a white supremacist statement.
Thus, in my opinion, this billboard is an example of true white supremacy. If AOC referred to the radio station that put up this billboard, I’d agree with her 100%.
So much for examples of true racism: those cited above.
Now, let’s look at what AOC does and why she name calls her political opponents “racist” and “white supremacist.”
Let’s discuss the technique first, name-calling, which is a component of propaganda.
“Politicians sometimes resort to “name-calling” during political campaigns or public events with the intentions of gaining an advantage over, or defending themselves from, an opponent or critic.” 1
"Name Calling". 2019. En.Wikipedia.Org. Accessed September 15, 2019.

"Twitter". 2019. Twitter.Com. Accessed September 15, 2019.
You can tell by AOC’s reaction in her tweet about this matter, that she’s defensive and isn’t accustomed to dealing with a non-Caucasian conservative or Republican opponent. It would have been easier and preferred for her to do battle with a conservative from the WASP community- but now because her opponent who opposes socialism and opposes her – is not from the WASP community, AOC is forced to speculate on Elizabeth Heng’s intentions and engage in mind-reading.
You can tell by AOC’s reaction in her tweet about this matter, that she’s defensive and isn’t accustomed to dealing with a non-Caucasian conservative or Republican opponent. It would have been easier and preferred for her to do battle with a conservative from the WASP community- but now because her opponent who opposes socialism and opposes her – is not from the WASP community, AOC is forced to speculate on Elizabeth Heng’s intentions and engage in mind-reading.
Clearly, AOC finds that she is here being backed into a corner so she has to get creative in order to extricate herself from this ad.
Now, let’s look at how AOC equates being antisocialist is tantamount to being either “white supremacist” or “racist.”
Let us also examine how bogus and illegitimate such an equation truly is in reality. What AOC and those political leftists such as her are doing here with such name-calling terminology is cheating and this article proves that it is cheating.
AOC is unable to retaliate against her antisocialist opponents on the merits of the statements themselves so that now, she must go after the speakers and make claims on the sentiments of those antisocialist speakers who denounce her.
Let me start my discussion here with my attack on the equation that being antisocialist is racist or white supremacist:

According to Ayn Rand, being a racist is a type of collectivism, hence a socialist being a collectivist is closer to being a racist than a conservative individualist.
Jim Crow laws were collectivist in nature; they spared no African Americans from their whip. No African American was exempted from them.
Let’s now look at the expletive “N-word” and the history behind it. Even more than that, let’s look at some history that AOC doesn’t want you to know about socialist racism.

Today of course, and rightly so, addressing someone of the African-American ethnicity as a “Nigger” is a curse. It is a racist term. I, being a Hispanic, born in Cuba, was called a spic by anti-Hispanic racists and that drove me to get into violent fights with them. You, as the reader, must understand that if I hated being called a spic by a racist to the point of resorting to physical violence in reaction, that I’d never address an African American with the N-word. I cannot want for another what I hate for myself.
So Marx was a racist. So was Engels.
Why is diversity now in these times, though, being defended by those who refer to themselves as progressives, or democratic socialists?
What’s up with this switch?

"The Great Deceit: Social Pseudo-Sciences: Socialist Wolves In Sheep's Clothing (1964): Veritas Foundation / Dobbs /Roosevelt: Free Download, Borrow, And Streaming: Internet Archive". Internet Archive. Accessed September 15, 2019.
As you can see, there’s nothing racist nor is there anything white supremacist in being anti-Marxist and being anti-Socialist.
If anything, if you’ve done your research, you can probably tell that being anti-socialist and being anti-Marxist is to be the most anti-racist thing you can ever be.AOC, you’ve been outed as a liar and a hypocrite. Shame on you, bad person, bad American.
By Roberto E. Fiad
2019. Buzzfeednews.Com. Accessed September 15, 2019.
"Name-Calling". 2019. En.Wikipedia.Org. Accessed
September 15, 2019.
"The Statement Of Racism - The Answer Against Authoritarian Collectivists". 2019. 1Stamender.Com. Accessed September 15, 2019.
"The Great Deceit: Social Pseudo-Sciences: Socialist Wolves In Sheep's Clothing (1964) : Veritas Foundation / Dobbs /Roosevelt: Free Download, Borrow, And Streaming: Internet Archive". Internet Archive. Accessed September 15, 2019. sciencesSocialistWolvesInSheepsClothing.
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