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Fabio: California is a 'mess' because of liberalism

What Happens When Democrats Run Your State?

What Happens When Democrats Run Your State?

What Happens When Democrats Run Your State?

Liberation Conservatism: Politics: How True History Proves that Fascism is...

Liberation Conservatism: Politics: How True History Proves that Fascism is... : Giovanni Gentile was described by Mussolini, and by himself, as "the philosopher of Fascism"; moreover, he was the ghostwriter of...

Planned Parenthood's Racist History - Margaret Sanger's Eugenics Abortio...

Planned Parenthood's Racist History - Margaret Sanger's Eugenics Abortio...

Planned Parenthood's Racist History - Margaret Sanger's Eugenics Abortio...

Planned Parenthood's Racist History - Margaret Sanger's Eugenics Abortio...

Planned Parenthood's Racist History - Margaret Sanger's Eugenics Abortio...

Bruce Fleury | The Negro Project | Margaret Sanger's Plan for Black America

Provocative abortion display reads All Black Lives Matter

The Herd Mind - Foundation for Economic Education - Working for a free and prosperous world

Sanchez, Dan. 2017. "The Herd Mind | Dan Sanchez". Fee.Org. Accessed December 23 2017.

Social Darwinism Charles Darwin

Darwin And Eugenics

Roe v. Wade Is the Twentieth Century Equivalent of Dred Scott Case

Roe v. Wade Is the Twentieth Century Equivalent of Dred Scott Case "Roe V. Wade Is The Twentieth Century Equivalent Of Dred Scott Case". 2015. CNS News. Accessed December 19 2017.

President Donald Trump on violent crime in US: 'What the hell is going on in Chicago?' |

QUANTICO, Va. (WLS) -- While discussing violent crime in America at the FBI National Academy Friday morning, President Trump asked, "What the hell is going on in Chicago?" "In the last two years, America has seen a tragic rise in violent crime. In 2015 and 2016, we witnessed the steepest two-year consecutive increase in murders in nearly half a century," Trump said, before adding, "And you look at what's going on... Chicago, what the hell is going on in Chicago? What the hell is happening there?" "Trump On Violent Crime In US: 'What The Hell Is Going On In Chicago?'". 2017. ABC7 Chicago. Accessed December 19 2017.

The Brooding Baron of 20th-Century Fascism - Foundation for Economic Education - Working for a free and prosperous world

Tucker, Jeffrey. 2017. "The Brooding Baron Of 20Th-Century Fascism | Jeffrey A. Tucker". Fee.Org. Accessed December 16 2017. The Brooding Baron of 20th-Century Fascism - Foundation for Economic Education - Working for a free and prosperous world


WND: Fascism's Karl Marx is the man the Left doesn't want you to meet

WND: Fascism's Karl Marx is the man the Left doesn't want you to meet

Liberation Conservatism: Current Events: What American Leftists Fear the Mo...

Liberation Conservatism: Current Events: What American Leftists Fear the Mo... : I’ve just received an email piece of progressive propaganda from the Friends of Bernie Sanders. The title is of it is “The Republican Tax Pl...

Marx the Man - Foundation for Economic Education - Working for a free and prosperous world

Marx the Man - Foundation for Economic Education - Working for a free and prosperous world See excerpt below: Marx’s Mean and Mendacious Manner In temperament, Marx could be cruel and authoritarian.  He treated people with whom he disagreed in a crude and mean way, often ridiculing them in public gatherings.  Marx had no hesitation about being a hypocrite; when he wanted something from someone he would flatter them in letters or conversation, but then attack them in nasty language behind their backs to others.  He often used racial slurs and insulting words to describe the mannerisms or appearance of his opponents in the socialist movement .    For instance, in an 1862 letter to Frederick Engels, Marx described leading nineteenth-century German socialist, Ferdinand Lassalle, in the following way: The Jewish Nigger Lassalle ... fortunately departs at the end of this week ... It is now absolutely clear to me that, as both the shape of his head and his hair te...

The Campus Counter-Revolution against Liberty - Foundation for Economic Education - Working for a free and prosperous world

Ebeling, Richard. 2017. "The Campus Counter-Revolution Against Liberty | Richard M. Ebeling". Fee.Org. Accessed November 23 2017. The Campus Counter-Revolution against Liberty - Foundation for Economic Education - Working for a free and prosperous world

Cautionary Love Warning to would-be Socialist Revolutionaries

Thug Nation: Venezuela’s broken revolution | Feature

You Won't Believe What We Saw In Socialist Venezuela

Time Has Come Today(Chambers Brothers-Long Version)with no cuts to song

Roberto E Fiad (@Rob_Commentator) | Twitter

Roberto E Fiad (@Rob_Commentator) | Twitter

Swedish Women Living With Immigrants

What I Love about my National Anthem, the Star Spangled Banner

What do I love so much about the National Anthem, the Star Spangled Banner -- that is also my National Anthem? I have a fiery spirit that doesn't often show itself unless it's provoked. The actions of the NFL players, particularly that guy Colin - they infuriated me. How much does that dude know about the history of that anthem? I don't think he really ever took the time to learn about it; he doesn't really identify with it. I happen to identify with it, a lot. You see? The rebellious, unyielding fiery spirit that supports it - it's the same antioppressive spirit that inspired the national anthem of the country where I was born, Cuba. La Bayamesa, the inational anthem of Cuba starts "We're up, going into combat. And it continues with blood-pumping slogans such as "Living on your knees is dying." "Dying on your feet is living." That sort of spirit is the same sort of spirit that drove the American defenders of Fort McHenr...

"Guns are not the problem" Dinesh D'Souza's Brilliant TAKEDOWN of Gun co...

How the Government Turns Everyone into a Tool...

Jordan B Peterson on "But That Wasn't Real Communism, Socialism, or Marx...

The Democratic Party is DEAD. Here's Why.

What Hollywood Doesn't Want You To Know!

Native Americans Owned Black Slaves And Fought Hard To Keep Them

Native Americans Owned Black Slaves And Fought Hard To Keep Them

Native Americans Owned Black Slaves And Fought Hard To Keep Them

Native Americans Owned Black Slaves And Fought Hard To Keep Them

Ghanaian Author Speaks On How The Arab Slave Trade Has Been Ignored And ...

The Hidden History Of Black Castration

West Africans and Arab Muslims Played Major Role In Slave Trade

The Untold Story of Arab Slave Trade Of Africans

The Arab Muslim Slave Trade Of Africans, The Untold Story

Hillary's America - The Secret History of the Democratic Party (Part-1) ...

Hillary Clinton Exposed, Movie She Banned From Theaters Full Movie

A detailed explanation of cultural marxism

My experience with Black Lives Matter

Nobody Likes Feminism: that's what happened, Hillary.

Debate on Saul Alinsky

Hillary Clinton: there's a 'game that keeps women in their place' | US news | The Guardian

Hillary Clinton: there's a 'game that keeps women in their place' | US news | The Guardian Ethics: What Hillary Clinton Doesn't Want You to Be Aware of  Hillary would have you conclude that her loss in this last presidential election resulted on account of, in part to misogynistic attitudes in the US population. The truth is that if a conservative woman had been nominated to run as the Republican Presidential candidate AND if not, Hillary Clinton, but rather Senator Tim Kaine, had been the Democratic Party nominee -- I would have voted for the woman candidate because her values were closer to my values as a conservative Republican voter. When the late UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher first won her position in 1979, I was 20 or 21 years old.  Had I been a British citizen and not an American citizen then, I would have voted for her and not for anyone in the Labor Party, male or female. How many Caucasian women, including real feminists and not feminazi...

POLL: Rate Melania Trump

POLL: Rate Melania Trump "POLL: Rate Melania Trump". 2017.  Conservative Institute . Accessed September 15 2017.

The Voice of the Martyrs: Solitary Prayer

The Voice of the Martyrs: Solitary Prayer Tortured for Christ - Trailer #2 from   The Voice of the Martyrs on Vimeo . The Blogger's Response: The above deals with a certain pastor,  Richard Wurmbrand,  who was kidnapped in 1948, shortly after the Russians imposed Anna Pauker as the Romanian dictator over the people, and brutalized in Romania. His family, especially his wife, the same suffered his fate. ' It still goes on.  Such Communist brutality continues. Want to know where? Okay, I'll tell you. Of course, it's been going on for decades in North Korea, several Middle East nations such as Syria, Red China, Vietnam, Cuba of course, and . . . How about today's Venezuela with the regime of Nicolas Maduro? It was famous for being a democratic nation. No more though. "The Venezuelan Government Is Torturing Political Prisoners". 2017.  "The Venezuelan Government Is Torturing Political Prisoners". 2017. Warisboring....

Current Events: Contemplating the Potential American- North Korean Nuclear Conflict

Trump's Detractors Are Wishing For Irma To Hit Mar-A-Lago On Social Media

Trump's Detractors Are Wishing For Irma To Hit Mar-A-Lago On Social Media Blogger's Tak From the time that Trump began to own and operate that Florida resort, it's been making him money.  Moreover, as real estate itself has value, don't you think that Trump took the time to get that property insured with the best deal he could buy? Moreover, let's assume that then that Irma destroys that property like a lot of these Trump haters wish for. How well did you think he got that property equipped for, in advance, to be able to withstand most types of damage that a storm like this Irma could cause it?  How much protection did you get for your own property? How much protection  were you able to get for it? Isn't your plate full enough as it is, that you're now thinking of Donald Trump's plate? Do you think that Trump is as vulnerable to natural disasters as you are? Since that resort is a money-making instrument, he can deduct from his restoration...

Bill Whittle & D'Souza eviscerate Democrats for inciting hate and bigotry

Blogger's Response:                                             The Devil is after all the Father of Lies   And I'm seeing leftist Americans resorting to deceit in order to demonize Trump. It seems to be our job, the job of us conservatives, to make all these leftists be pushed into their own traps, ensnared in their own nets for trapping.

Daily History Supplement - @3rdReichHistory

Daily History Supplement - @3rdReichHistory From   The Meaning of Hitler , by Sebastian Haffner(****): Hitlerism has at least one thing in common with Marxism – the claim to be able to explain the whole of world history from one single point of view. 'The history of all society so far is a history of class struggles', we read in the Communist Manifesto, and analogously in Hitler, 'All events in world history are merely the manifestation of the self-preservation drive of the races'. Such sentences have considerable emotive power. Anyone reading them has the feeling of suddenly seeing the light; what had been confused becomes simple, what had been difficult becomes easy. To those who will accept them such statements give an agreeable sense of enlightenment and knowledge, and they moreover arouse a certain furious impatience with those who do not accept them, since in all such words of command there is a ring of ' . . . and anything else is a lie'. This mixture o...

BREAKING: Trump Just Announced His “Secret Weapon” to Stop Antifa

BREAKING: Trump Just Announced His “Secret Weapon” to Stop Antifa BLOGGER'S RESPONSE: Law and order as then candidate Donald Trump stated in one of his debates with Hillary Clinton is part of “Making America Great Again.” That mantra of Law and Order is one of my main reasons for which I voted for Trump and now seeing that he’s authorizing military equipment to be allocated and used by military forces to suppress Antifa lawlessness – makes me rejoice big time. America is to be a lawful nation. There is nothing anti-fascist about a mob of unruly anarchistic nihilists applying violence against law enforcement officers and bystanders.  The sooner these lowlifes are brought to heel, the better of America will definitely be. If you’re going to be living in society and if people are to be able to co-exist peacefully with you, then you’d better behave in public! And if you don’t know how to behave yourself, and if worse, you don’t want to learn how to behave yours...

BREAKING: Trump Just Announced His “Secret Weapon” to Stop Antifa

BREAKING: Trump Just Announced His “Secret Weapon” to Stop Antifa BLOGGER'S RESPONSE: Law and order as then candidate Donald Trump stated in one of his debates with Hillary Clinton is part of “Making America Great Again.” That mantra of Law and Order is one of my main reasons for which I voted for Trump and now seeing that he’s authorizing military equipment to be allocated and used by military forces to suppress Antifa lawlessness – makes me rejoice big time. America is to be a lawful nation. There is nothing anti-fascist about a mob of unruly anarchistic nihilists applying violence against law enforcement officers and bystanders.  The sooner these lowlifes are brought to heel, the better of America will definitely be. If you’re going to be living in society and if people are to be able to co-exist peacefully with you, then you’d better behave in public! And if you don’t know how to behave yourself, and if worse, you don’t want to learn how to behave yours...

Stop Asking the Federal Government to Label Groups You Dislike ‘Terrorists’ | Liberty Blitzkrieg

Stop Asking the Federal Government to Label Groups You Dislike ‘Terrorists’ | Liberty Blitzkrieg If a political group does not want to be labeled as terrorist, then it is imperative that physical violence is completely excluded from any and all of its activities.  Otherwise, the terrorist label fully applies Moreover, this applies to Nazis and white supremacists as well. That that guy did with that car was done so without any justification at all. There was no need for that to happen. As a conservative, I condemn that act.

Leaving the Left - My Red Pill Story

The Big Lie Of Fascism Being Right Wing - Dinesh D'Souza DISMANTLES The ...

Dinesh D'Souza: The fallacy of "REPUBLICAN RACISM"

Communists Plan November Sedition, Riots to End Trump-Pence "Regime" - The Organic Prepper

Communists Plan November Sedition, Riots to End Trump-Pence "Regime" - The Organic Prepper : Communists Plan November Sedition, Riots to End Trump-Pence "Regime" - The Organic Prepper - The Blogger's Take This type of assembly, just assembling for this type of activity - even if nothing further is done - amounts to TREASON. This is calling for the overthrow of the United States Government. These people seeking to overthrow our current President and Vice President should be arrested, arraigned, and tried for just that - Treason. They're seeking to organize assembly on US soil for the purpose of overthrowing a legally elected and inaugurated US President and Vice-President. These communists and other leftists are enemies of our government and enemies of us, the American people.   President and Vice President Trump and Pence didn't get into power by doing revolution but ...

Dennis Prager:Liberalism vs Leftism

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Probably Running a Spy Ring In Congress: Mike Cernovich – Forbidden Knowledge TV

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Probably Running a Spy Ring In Congress: Mike Cernovich – Forbidden Knowledge TV : Debbie Wasserman Schultz Probably Running a Spy Ring In Congress: Mike Cernovich – Forbidden Knowledge TV -

Bill Clinton and the Meaning of "Is"

Bill Clinton and the Meaning of "Is" : Bill Clinton and the Meaning of "Is" - "Bill Clinton And The Meaning Of "Is"". 2017.  Slate Magazine . Accessed August 3, 2017. Blogger's Take: It's a challenge that requires a great deal of slight of mind and words. I got an answer for that Clinton word trick that comes out of a comeback used by the movie fictional character Forrest Gump when someone called him stupid.  He said that "Stupid is as Stupid Does." Now, How does Someone Analyze a Comeback like That? He, Forrest Gump is counter-challenging the insulter by saying that a person displays intelligence or lack thereof by evidence of overt behavior. It's the conduct of the stupid person in open view of oth...

Is Bernie Sanders a Full Blown Communist?? | Louder With Crowder

D'Souza: What the Nazis learned from American progressives

Please Stop Helping Us: How Liberals Make It Harder for Blacks to Succeed

Williams With Sowell - Progressive Racism

Fake News Industrial Complex | Mike Cernovich and Stefan Molyneux

The Truth About Bernie Sanders

The Truth About Bernie Sanders

Why Leftists Destroyed College | Duke Pesta and Stefan Molyneux

Left-Wing Death Camps | Mike Cernovich and Stefan Molyneux

The Truth About Fidel Castro | The Cuban Revolution

Roberto Fiad

Roberto Fiad